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Translation Services

If you're looking for a Slovenian-English translator, you've come to the right web site. My name is Marjan Golobic and I specialise in translating Slovenian texts into English and vice-versa.

My areas of specialisation are Slovenia, the European Union, finances, contracts, legislation, sports, information technology, html, culture, art and sports.

In my work I use state-of-the-art hardware and software. By the way, I designed this web site myself with Dreamweaver 2. I hope you like it.

My translation rate is EUR 36 per page (1 page equals 1500 computer-counted characters without spaces) or EUR 0.12 per word of source text. The above rate is of course negotiable; the actual rate is set on a case-by-case basis.

If you're curious about my qualifications and references, check out some of my other pages or drop me a line.

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Vse pravice si pridržuje Marjan Golobic.